Jewels Shall Light My Way Home(PRMF/PROO,Chip-centric, #59, K+))

Feb 18, 2008 15:43

Title: Jewels Shall Light My Way Home: Chapter 1
Author: M14Mouse
Characters: Chip-centric
PR_AU prompt: 59. Keeping it A Secret
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: Don’t own them. Pity…Chip is all shiny too.
Summary: AU As the Sentinel Knight, Chip has just got through the ride of his life. Now, he gets to go home and has a lot of explaining to do. It was pity that Sentinel Knight didn’t stick around for that. Slightly crossover with PR: OO
A/N: I think this story broke my brain. o.0 did.

Part 1
Part 2


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