Nov 28, 2005 22:47
Well I had a pretty good time. Talked to all the cousins. This is the first time that all of us, meaning the girls and the boys (all being 16 or older) really got along. Matthew drank sugar water at a chines restaurant, got a piggy back ride from Dan, Erin wouldn't stop singing, Sara, Stephanie, and I spent about 2 hours playing with our cameras on Sat. night. Mostly taking pictures of ourselves. Joey is more social now (he's 4), Kristina has gotten interesting (she's 11), and everything with the party went well. I'll be putting up pictures when I'm done sorting them. I didn't sleep much in Traverse City. We spent a couple days in Frankenmuth. That was fun. Pretty cold. It snowed most of the time that we were in Traverse City and the roads were pretty bad. We got lost going to the church to set up for the party and almost got stuck in the woods on a street that they don't plow in the winter. No matter how much snow. It's because they're mostly summer houses on the lake. I've missed a lot in school so that will be fun to make up. I've spent 4 days total in the car & it sucked because I could never get comfortable.
In local news, I'm not taking Danny & Erin very well. He thinks that I'm being a baby by not coming into the foyer. I just don't want to see them together. Especially now that he's told her that he's in love with her after only a week. I'm just not ready. Everyone knows that. He says that I'm not working on my jealousy by leaving them alone, I'm just ignoring it. I'm just staying away to give him the spavce he wants (he doesn't want to see me for 2 months to a year) and so I don't punch her in the face.
I just need an affectionate boy who will give me the time & attention that I need. Just someone to hug & talk to other than him. The last person I kissed was probably Danny, but it would've been about a month ago by now. I just feel quite alone & need a boy. I need Aaron is what I need. LoL Leave feedback!
"Seriously, your mummbling is starting to bum me out."- Willy Wonka YAY CHARLIE & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY!!
<|3 Laura