Finally I can sit for a while in front of my pc and write some bullshit ; ]
I've been beyond busy lately, but there are a few things bothering me right now just too personal and intimate I won't write about because I don't feel like sharing them on my LJ. I'm sure that my closest friends are already aware of'em anyway. So here we go with the silly stuff :P
I did some shopping this week and I'm almost done with the Christmas presents. I've already written some greetings cards and hopefully tonight I'll start wrapping the gifts I've bought. I have a great fascination with wrapping paper, I use to spend a ridicolous amount of time when it comes to buy wrapping paper because I always choose it very carefully. I want the the presents I give to those I love to to look like me in a certain way, so the gift boxes need to have a very unique style. Dunno if it makes any sense to you, but I'll try to shoot some photies asap so you'll be able to understand what I mean.
I really love to buy presents as well, but this year I'm drammatically running out of cash, mostly because I always end up buying something for me any fucking time I spend more than five minutes in a store XD No matter which kind of shop I get into... I always manage to get out with too many shopping bags, it's my hopeless compulsive shopping addiction.
Friday I met Kiara and spent the whole night at Subbacultcha with her, Fra, Bez and Lamù. I went back home the morning after feeling bloody tired and sleepy.
Saturday I couldn't sleep enough 'cause I had to see my hairdresser pretty early in the afternoon. Now I have this sort of super cute "rounded" short bob and my bangs look perfect. If you're feeling curious go check my flickr. I've uploaded two crappy pics
right here