
Feb 21, 2008 12:33

My raw food adventure has persisted for three weeks now. On only the second day, I noticed that I ran, just two steps instead of walking, on my way between the car and the door. The next day my hands and feet seemed thinner. Now, my clothes are starting to fit better, especially my shoes. I haven't stopped eating salt, it's in some of my salads, and even in some of my blender drinks. But whether the total salt level has been reduced, or whether I'm just processing it better, being less puffy feels really good.

Yesterday I had a few hours where I felt a little out of control. The PrissKids were eating bread and cheese, and it was starting to look appealing. I kept making salads with honey in the dressing, usually that's completely satisfying, but it just made me want to eat more. In reviewing patterns for the short time I've been doing this, something similar has happened almost every time I've eaten almonds. They seem to affect me the way bread does, that whole carbohydrate addiction feeling that has driven some people to a meat-only existence. When I stick to pumpkin seeds or Brazil nuts, a small portion works well, and doesn't lead to second helpings. I haven't tried hemp seeds yet, they are very trendy in the raw food world. Another thing that seems to help with appetite control is having enough water. A smoothie made with spinach and other salad greens, a few nuts, and at least two cups of water has become my preferred breakfast. Sometimes I include hot pepper and allspice. The only not-so-raw foods that I'm using regularly are miso soup, and green tea. I'm not having them every day, just when I really want something warm. The miso isn't really cooked, but it's a preserved or pickled food, so it doesn't strike me as raw. And the tea, well tea is simply a dried plant that you re-hydrate, and it isn't heated for very long, so maybe it does qualify.

log, food, raw food

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