Sep 10, 2006 14:49
so after spending the entire day (literally) on the computer yesterday, i've triggered my reoccuring headache and now it's been gnawing at my sanity for the better part of 12 hours. that left corner of my head (y'know. the part they press their fingers against in migraine commercials) i FU-CKIN' KILLING ME! i took a bunch of advil but it doesn't have any effect at all.
I think i'm gonna die of exploded blood vessels in my head some day. maybe today. thats what happened to my uncle. fun shit.
So while i was mindlessly trekking LJ yesterday, i came across some guy's journal. He is a Racist and a heroin user. apparently college educated too.
To be honest, i found his journal and those of the people he knew to be quite engrossing. I wan't even in the least bit offended by anything in the vein of racism. but the other stuff was quite entertaininig.
Seriously, if a movie was made even loosely based on those entries i could see it being a cult favorite in the light of Gummo ,SLC punk or Suburbia.
.... thought I had more to say but I guess not. Probably for the best though. I can get off the computer and give my eyes a rest and maybe die in my sleep.