Yay Band Day

Nov 15, 2006 14:37

I'm currently waiting on Scottard to get out of his sax lesson so we can go to dinner.  I ran through all my band day music just a little while ago, and I'm feeling better than I was before, which is always a good sign.  I also sound good, but I'm not practicing right now b/c I don't want my lips to die tonight.

We sang in student recital today.  It was somewhat scary, but not as much as I thought  it would be.  I'm not happy with how it went by any means, but I'm not disappointed either.  I don't really know how to describe how I feel.  I listened to it from Mrs. J's camcorder, and it seemed really out of balance, but I'll have to hear the cd before I'll really know how it went.  I felt like I did really poorly, which makes me not happy, but I was nervous, and it was my first time, so I guess it wasn't too bad.  I'm wondering what Dr. Thomasson really thinks about how we did, and also, I wonder if people are telling me I did a good job because it's the proper thing to do, or if they really mean it.  One person I know of definitely hasn't said anything about it, whcih is fine, b/c if you don't think it went well, then you shouldn't lie about it.

People who get attitudes b/c they're not ready for rehearsals should get shot in the foot, and then be forced to practice for 5 hours straight before they're dropped of at a hospital.  That's what I think.  And people who can't deal with the whole "it's time to be flexible" thing.  It's BAND DAY.  It's supposed to be stressful, and no, everything is not going to go your way.  It's called being a performer.  It's what you do.  Deal with it and make it work.  Don't pitch a fit, k?

Anywho, I'm gonna go now, and do...something, I dunno.

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