Oct 27, 2005 13:21
I was tired in class today its cuz I have a little sinus and allergy in me and its hard to breathe with my asthma so I dont get a good night's sleep and therefore are tired cuz I dont circulate enuff oxygen to rest enough. It feels so good knowing you dont have Friday classes so that all I can do is waiit for this weekend for the concert and to hang out with JanG.
I hope my paycheck is around 125 or more cuz I dont know when the cut off days are and i need at least that much for this weekend and to be set for a while with insurance and shit. I love having weekly paychecks especially when they are like 150 a week, its just that was my first week there so i didnt get a lot of hours, mostly training.
So I figured out that I need a C in math in order for it to be credited and I'm riding on exactly a 70%. This next test I have to at least get a 70% or more and I should be fine, I know it sounds like a joke and dont get me wrong I'm good at math...except algebra 2 is the ONLY one i hate and thats no joke, im sweet at everything else but algebra 2-not 1, i can do that, i can do 3, just fuckin 2. Speaking of which I must go do before work and take medicine, drink tea and lay down so I feel good for this weekend. Piece.