Mar 29, 2008 09:41
"When it rains, it pours!" That was a phrase my grandfather used to describe the phenomenon of being without something for so long, then suddenly having an excess of it. I’ve had more job offers this past week than I had in the three months prior! All those applications I put in are finally being worked down to...I’ve left the horrible-yet-necessary, filthy, nasty, stinky factory job in favor of a much better-paying, much cleaner and WAY more fun job at the college! It’s still only a temp position with no benefits, but it suits my grad school plans just fine. Now if I can just get these bills caught up and sorted out, I’ll be "sh*tting in high cotton" (another phrase my grandpa used, one I’m not quite sure as to the meaning of...).
Now if only I could apply that "when it rains, it pours" phrase to my love life...