hahaha well me and emily and elisha and my mom and my aunt
all went to tampa to this place where there were shops and stuff
and we went to hooters hha bcuz that was like the only place to eat..
and we went to coldstone creamery yummmmmmmm!!! i got cake batter
so good..and we went into this painting store and me and elisha got under
this table to hide from emily and the guy walked by and hes like scuze me ??
and me and elisha and emily just like ran out haha it was great
then we all left and we went to elishas ( me and em ) and made videos and
suuucchh it was funny and then went to bedd and then this morning i went to
main bar ..its a sandwich place and then coldstone creamery again! and i got
mocha with reeses yummmmmmmmm ughhh and that pretty much itt
and i dont know what im going to do todayy =/ commenntt btchhhh! <3