Oct 24, 2011 23:04
You know what the object of giving the Wishlist writers more time this year was? A chance to get done earlier.
Instead it has the opposite effect. Instead of writing my prompts earlier and being done with them, they grow to epic proportions and I'll skid in just under the deadline, like every year before. Only with, you know, way longer fics.
Because, seriously, the first one is going to come in at something like 9k and that is not a 'drabble' by any stretch of the imagination. Holy creative writing, Batman, that's not how this is supposed to go. I have something like fifty books to read and twenty exams to write and three nervous breakdowns to have until spring.
My cat is trying to burrow in between my laptop and my lap. Everything is shaking. There is no space, you crazy furball!
project: wishlist 2011,
my cats let me live with them,
random facts are random