Jesus take me (away from here)!

May 19, 2011 21:44

Thursday is homework day, this semester at least. The accumulated homework of the entire week gets done on Thursday.

I spent all day on it!!!

Not, like, four or five hours, the way I usually do. But all day. I started when my mom left for work, around eight, and stopped ten minutes ago, at half past nine. Pm. Except for assorted food and household related breaks, I worked the whole day. That's like, nine hours and change!

Six of those went down for one class.

Okay, it's a state exam prep class and it's important, but six friggin' hours of homework? I have other classes. And a job. And basic human rights!

I meant to post the new TFatF story tonight, but I'm pretty sure I'm about to faceplant into bed. Eugh. Thank you, education! I'm also way behind on the Losers fic, the Road to Morning stuff and other bits and bobs. Where the heck did today go? For that matter, where did the last three weeks go?!?

Le sigh.

And finally, re: Household related breaks:

Me: *hangs the laundry* Inside or outside?
Mom: *outside*
Me: *hangs the laundry*
Rain: rains
Mom: Look, it's raining.
Me&Mom: *take down laundry*
Me&Mom: *rehang laundry inside*
Mom: Look, it's stopped raining!
Me: *glowers*
Mom: Do you think we should...?
Me: No!


No, really.

Fuck my life. I want chocolate.

life script, school teaches you to sleep sitting up, real life, idek, bitch please!, writing

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