How I survived the first week of the semester

May 04, 2011 18:58


No, really.

I survived it badly.

Tuesday includes a four hour block of philosophy lectures, which means I have to constantly pinch myself to stay awake, followed by... okay, a two hour break and then an annoying linguistics class that's actually sort of fun because the prof is a funny, old man. And I don't mean that in the 'touch in a bad place' way. He's really funny.

So I survived Tuesday. Since the train people are on strike again, I had to go by car, which means I actually had more time, which was also nice. But. Normal Tuesdays go from 8.30 am to 7.30 pm and that just sucks.

Wednesdays aren't much better. Four hour linguistics block, then two hours German lit, which is hell on my nerves because it's a tiny class with a prof that I've had... experiences with in the past. Meaning he was being an ass and I got snippy and I think he remembers. Whoops. I should have another class after that, but I dumped it without ever going there. Taught myself the subject the first time around, don't need this class to refresh for state exams. I'll just dig through it on my own again.

Homework as is (and guys, it's only freaking Wednesday!): 80 pages linguistics reader. Three or four past state exams. six hundred pages on fashion in literature. and a pile of printing stuff and buying more readers and blah.

I am so glad that I enjoyed my last week of free time because it may have been the last for a while.

I wrote ten thousand words for Zombies and Guns last week. There are now zombies. Actually, we're now in the middle of the final showdown. I'm guessing another seven and I'm cherry.

I also started on a sort-of sequel to Imaginary Twister, which got stuck halfway. Nasty, that.

Other stories have only progressed in itty-bitty bits.

The results are as follows:

Lots of story ideas, all of them half-baked in my head. There is one that keeps biting my ankle. I call it the 'Brian is immortal, told ya I could cross Highlander with anything, mwahahahahahah' bunny.

I keep stomping my car like it's got more than seventy two cute horses under the hood. Which it doesn't.

I think I loaded every single Fast and Furious story there is onto my Kindle. I am basking in boylove.

Between that, school and work, I have gotten shit else done yet this week. I'm behind on my flist, my updates, my stories, my housework, my sleep and... no, I think that's it. Tomorrow is my day off. Hopefully I'll manage to wade through the entire week worth of homework until the early afternoon and maybe then I'll catch up.

And tomorrow night I'll (hopefully) get to go see Thor in 3D. I think it's going to be an amazingly bad movie, and I'll love it. I'm going with a guy friend, which means we can have double the fun bitching out the bad special effects. Yay! I seriously hope I don't fall asleep at the movies, though...

And thus ended the tale. And the week's not over yet. Fear.

moving pictures, school teaches you to sleep sitting up, real life, writing

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