Wishlist Prompt Post

Nov 02, 2014 09:06

So, I wasn't even sure I was going to do this until right now, because I start a new job tomorrow and I will be so, so busy, but I can't really not do the Wishlist either, right?

So here goes:

Wishlist 2014, Prompt Post

What is the Wishlist?

The Wishlist is a multi-fandom Christmas fanfiction fest. It is something that started very small and simple three years ago. The premise was simply to write twenty-four ficlets in response to twenty-four prompts, posted between 1 Dec and 24 Dec. Fandom gifts, if you will. Since then it's grown and changed a bit.

The community and the rules in detail can be found here.

I have signed up to be a writer and if you want to give me a prompt, please leave a comment on this entry.


- I accept the first 12 prompts I am given, regardless of who you are or if I know you.

- You give me characters/pairing, a fandom and a prompt.

- If I don't know the fandom you're requesting, your prompt doesn't count. The fandoms I write in are plenty. You can find my fandoms in my masterlists, or on my AO3 account under the same name.

- If I find your prompt in any way offensive, I will disregard it, too. Fair warning.

- Your prompts should somewhat match what I usually write. It can be a quote, an idea, a specific situation, but the more you give me, the more I have to work with. Throwing Character X/Character Y, whatever at me is going to get you whatever.

- If you don't have an lj account, leave an anonymous comment, but make sure to sign it with a name (possibly your TtH name, or Tumblr if you're coming from that end.)

- I answer the prompts in the order I like best and post them here and/or in the Wishlist_fic community, one a day, starting 1 Dec 2014.

Again, I need fandom, characters or pairings, prompt, and your name, or, for an art prompt fandom, a scene or story, and your name.

project: wishlist 2014, projects make me not bored, fanfic

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