Gallifrey survives.
Thank god the Doctor finally gets another 'mission' because the last series was aimless to the point of incomprehension.
Kind of looking forward to that, but also dreading it because New Who has never had to work within Gallifreyan society, which was a big part of Old Who. The conflict ought to be interesting, once he finds Gallifrey, but it might also take away from the manically free-falling Doctor I kinda love.
Billie Piper as nutty Moment/Bad Wolf is awesome. And John Hurt is amazing.
I really didn't need good Queen Beth in there, though. Her only purpose was for Ten to make an idiot out of himself by constantly mixing them up. And yeah, okay, so we finally know how the Doctor knows her, but did we really need to find out in this episode? Did we?
I liked the chick in the scarf. Kind of would have liked her to get a little more text. And find out just what humans and Zygons agreed on. They dropped that plot line like a hot potato. Or maybe like a plot device that only ever served to give John Hurt the necessary push to turn genocidal. Which, hey, it totally was!
Do we call the Eleventh Doctor the Twelfth now? The guy in the dress referred to Peter Capaldi as the Thirteenth and since John Hurt has official permission to call himself "Doctor" again, we need to count anew.
So Nine was Ten, Ten was Eleven, Eleven was Twelve and Twelve is going to be Thirteen.
My head hurts. But the sass, good god. If the Doctor travelled with himself all the time, nothing would ever get done because he would literally spend all his time sassing himself.