Star Trek?

Sep 29, 2013 22:11

So, is it just me, or is Into Darkness the exact same movie as the original reboot?

Because, let's see: Kirk acting out, check, unprovoked attack, check, Pike sticking up for him, okay, no, we didn't have that last time because this time it happened in a bar and last time on a ship and, no, wait. Bar. Damn. Pike gets plot-deviced out of the captain's chair.

Jim does stupid shit, like jumping into space and climbing on board enemy ships and getting into fist-fights with people who can squeeze him like melons. Spock is illogical and saves the day. Something almost crashes into San Francisco.

Jim Kirk is a hero.

The end.

Now, quick, tell me which movie I just described...

Also, Benedict Cumberbatch's facial expressions are really painful to watch. Turn off the sound and watch him. I guarantee you'll be squirming within two minutes. Faces aren't supposed to be that mobile. It's like it's melting off his bones, only to change direction and snap back onto his skull.

That was gross.

Also, intentional.

I am not happy with that movie.

And that twist on who dies? Really doesn't excuse the other one hour and fifty-five minutes of the movie, even if it's funny and made my father look at me weirdly for knowing more about Star Trek movies released before my birth than he does.

real life, bitch, meta is a nice word for fangirling

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