School's out...

Jul 15, 2013 18:41

Well, almost.

Eleven more days to go. But the work is mostly done. Cross my fingers and knock on wood.

So today I did the following:

- I organized my lessons from the past two weeks.

- I packed two boxes for moving next week.

- I cleaned the kitchen.

- I watched three episodes of Grimm. (Which, let me tell you, hurts my soul. I'm on 1x18 and so far, only one person in the whole series has managed to say something German that actually, you know, sounded German? And even then they fucked up the script and let him say a literal translation of what they wanted, which is horrible German.

And can we talk about the horrible, pseudo German names for everything? I know that's supposed to be fairy tale German, but, seriously?

The brothers Grimm collected and cleaned up their stories in the 1800s. Since their accounts are the earliest written versions we have of most fairy tales in that region, barring Perrault's French versions, their word is law and one of those guys actually wrote a damn dictionary. They spoke modern German. So do not claim those words come from German fairy tales. Can we please stop mucking the language up just to make it sound mysterious? There are such things as basic grammar.

Also, a Jägerbar isn't a "Hunting Bear" or whatever that's supposed to be. It's a bar for hunters.

It's ZiegeNvolk, not Ziegevolk.

And it's pronounced Weeeesen, with a long 'e', like in in 'well', only longer.

You win the internet for sloppiest research ever.)

- I baked about three dozen cookies to use up the remaining baking ingredients so I don't have to move them, too.

What I actually wanted to do today:

- Write.

--> Full success, wouldn't you say? If you spell my name backwards, you get 'procrastination', no kidding.

real life, bitch please!, meta is a nice word for fangirling

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