If I ever run out of yarn, the world will end. No, seriously.

Apr 24, 2012 19:55

Okay, so. I finished two craft projects, gave one of them away before I took a picture, and then promptly started another. Pic spam!

Purple scarf with invisible pattern and bwankie for baby, ie me. )

pic spam, school teaches you to sleep sitting up, real life, projects make me not bored, yarn monsters feed on your life

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emocezi April 25 2012, 17:45:08 UTC
I would be honored to share my pictures with you. :)

Also, are you on ravelry? I need more knitting buddies. :D Also....I want to learn how to crochet, it looks like fun but I've never been able to figure out the secret to it. *ponders this*


These are the first mittens I ever made, I used double pointed needles rather then magic loop, and while they are warm, they also have some holes and whatnot in them.

This is a new sew slipper pattern that I've used for the last two years. I think I'm due to make my mother a new pair.

Here's a scarf I'm making using a lace stitch pattern with very small bamboo needles. I can knit this pattern for long periods of time as my fingers start to cramp up.

Here's a closer look at the lace pattern.

And here, my masterpiece. This is my first time knitting a sweater, and though I've dropped a couple of stitches and accidently pearled when I should have knit, I think it looks cozy. Though I will have to rip out the neck stitching and redo it, the neckhole is too small.

Now....SHOW ME YOURS!!! *leers*

And also, can I get the pattern for that scarf? I absolutely love it.

Edited to add: my yarn box. I still don't think I have enough. :/


pprfaith April 25 2012, 18:07:24 UTC
In semi coherent order:

No, no ravelry. But I'm in town here seven days a week. :P

The mittens! I love the mittens, they are adroable, do you have the pattern, I want, I need, I have a ton of yarn left from the scarf, it'd look awesome!!!! Please?

The lace pattern is fantastic. I have a bunch of really, really fine lace yarn (0.5 needle, ohgod), that this might look really cool with.

You are very brave to knit a sweater. The most complicated thing I've dared to do yet is a sleeveless vest and I'm not getting anywhere with it.

And that's adorable, your box looks super neat compared to my basket. I'll take a picture tomorrow. It's a yarn avalanche waiting to happen.

Scarf pattern in a new comment box, because I've never done this and it might take a few words.


pprfaith April 25 2012, 18:34:34 UTC
Scarf pattern. I suck at patterns and make them up as I go, so. Also, I'm translating this as I write. Please don't throw things at me.

- basic pattern: 1knit 1purl, 1knit 1purl.
(- What do you call the stitches at the beginning and the end of each row? Because you obviously need those and I don't know the English word.)
- return row: same pattern in reverse, ie, 1knit goes on 1knit from the previous row, 1purl goes on 1purl.

- squares pattern for 61stitches (my scarf): 8 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 8.
- 8normal, 5knit, 5normal, 5knit and so on. You end with 5knit and 8normal. (The bold 5s are the 5knit. Inbetween is the normal pattern.)
- In the return row it's 8normal, 5purl, 5normal, 5purl. You end with 5purl and 8normal.
- Do that for five rows (Or until the squares are actually square).
- Then five rows in the normal pattern.
- Repeat as often as you want. I always did three sets of squares and then went back to normal for about six inches.

To measure the length, fold the scarf in half. It should reach from your fingertips to your opposite shoulder, then you can comfortably wrap it around twice. Or just play around until it fits.

EDIT: And then you obviously sew it shut when you're done.

Did that make any sort of sense? At all?

Oh god, I suck so badly at this.


pprfaith April 25 2012, 18:57:31 UTC
Also, pictures. If you follow the Projects make me not bored tag, you should get to all my artsy fartsy stuff I have pictures off.


emocezi April 25 2012, 20:07:27 UTC
Do you have Skype?


pprfaith April 25 2012, 20:20:19 UTC
I do. Somewhere. Chat?


emocezi April 25 2012, 19:37:58 UTC
No no, this is a good pattern, far easier to read then some of the things I've found, where you just stare at the pattern and wonder if it's actually written in Klingon or some bastardized form of a dead language no ones heard of in ten thousand years.

I have some fantastic red yarn given to me by a friend for scarves, so I'll make her one in this pattern and she'll love me forever. :D


You don't know it yet, but you've created a monster. :3


pprfaith April 25 2012, 19:50:27 UTC
Happy to help. I get lonely in me special-freak corner over here.



pprfaith April 25 2012, 19:53:38 UTC
Oh, hey, here's some actually useful information: I used a 7 needle for the scarf. So unless the yarn you have is ginormous, you'll probably need to add stitches.

I told you, I fail at patterns. I might not write in weird code, but I leave out everything helpful.


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