May 23, 2011 22:37
I'm on a boat!
How's everyone else doing out there? I hope not I know there was a lot of casualties and stuff.
It's a big mess. Our city. It's gonna take some serious cleanup so when I'm off the boat I'll be cleaning up.
[locked to Josef]
Please, please, please, please tell me you're okay. I'm kinda freaking out over here, but thankfully I keep my journal in a plastic bag in my backpack so it wasn't even wet or anything and I could write to you as soon as I got on the boat.
I was kinda prepared but I didn't know the flood would be everywhere. I just saw this woman under water so I was like all prepared with my scuba diving equipment and my floaties and my life vest. If I knew it'd been everywhere, I would have breached angel protocol and told you so you could be prepared.
Is the club okay and stuff? I don't know how far the water reached, but that's not as important as you being okay so are you?
Okay? I hope. Please.