Round 3, Challenge 7 - Prompt

Jul 24, 2010 11:08

Just a reminder: this is the last challenge for round three.


“It has been my misfortune to be engaged in more battles than any other general on the other side of the Atlantic; but there was never a time during my command when I would not have chosen some settlement by reason rather than the sword.” -Ulysses S. Grant
Rationality vs. Incoherence

Your drabble should be based on the emotions of rationality vs. incoherence. The warring emotions do not have to be experienced by Harry and Pansy, but by any one or more people in your drabble. Also, the quote does not have to be incoporated into your drabble, but you're more than welcome to attempt it.

  • Drabbles must be 500 words exactly
  • The Almighty Ever-Present Rules apply, please don't talk about your drabbles to more than one person (your beta) or post your drabbles (or alternate versions) anywhere else until the practice round is over.
  • What you wrote is to remain private/anonymous until the results are revealed.
  • Please refrain from drabbling about explicit sexual or violent situations.
  • Please double check for spelling, canon errors, word count, grammar, and punctuation.
  • Comments on this post will be screened. Please comment with your submissions, and put the following information at the top of your comment:
    Author: (don't fill this out)
    Word Count:
  • Submissions are due by 11:59PM United States East Coast Time (New York) on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 (GMT -4)If you need to figure out the time conversion, there's a world clock on the profile.

As soon as you turn in a drabble, your name will be crossed off this distinguished list.

akinriahtram *dropped
seatbeltdrivein *dropped


Please submit your drabble (properly coded) using the format in this textbox.