The curator at the St Alban’s museum just alerted me to a
single roundel (banqueting trencher) at the Cuming Museum in London. It is one of the Persian-edges, center-motif and posy trenchers, similar to the
Set of Tudor Roundels at St. Albans, or another
single survivor at the Norfolk museum. This particular trencher is interesting as the 4-line secular posy matches a posy in the
Fizwilliam collection. I had previously thought the set at the Fitzwilliam were unique posies, but apparently not.
The posy is hard to read, but the website was updated on 9July2014 with this intrepretation:
I knowe full well ye bent of ye bowe
Ther is wth ye but a woorde & a blowe
Well att ease shell ye neighbore be
That dwels not next betwixt ye ichurche and the
I’m hoping the Cuming museum has a complete set, at the moment it’s hard to tell from their website.