The 2013 Dance ball list

Feb 05, 2013 13:58

If you'd like to play music at the dance ball this year, please reply here and I'll send you a PDF of the sheet music to whatever address I have for you :)

Set 1
Horses Branles
Rufty Tufty
Alta Regina
Branles of War

Set 2
Bell Qui Pavan and Galliard  (Choir)
Heart’s Ease    (Choir)
Cuckholds all in a Row   (Choir)
Black Alman
Petit Riense
Black Nag
Candlestick Branles

Set 3
Branles Charlotte
Pease and Pork Branles
Branles Pinagay
Jenny Pluck Pears

Event details here:

sca, dance

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