The Friday Five

May 04, 2012 14:39

It’s been a good week, outside of work. We had Aasa’s early birthday at Wednesday dance practice, with a celebratory sour cream and raisin pie (my link button no workie! Actually it’s been pie week all around, as GM made a chicken pie and I made cherry pie for dinner on Saturday.

Inside of work, it’s been a frustrating week of people who don’t know what they want, but want it right now. I’d like my job better if I was allowed to enforkenate the deserving. There’s at least one person who would look like a hedgehog afterwards, but I would feel much better, I’m sure of it.

As usual, I have no idea what to get my mother, or my mother in law, for mother’s day.

I think the spiders are trying to take over the house. The garden is full of spiders with white bellies, and the house seems to have more than usual of the tan-colored leggy ones. They must be eating something, but heck if I know what. At least the roses are blooming, and GM seems to have succeeded in his plan to actually have grass in the back yard. The shed is in dire need to fixing, we’ll need to do that Sunday.

This year’s vacations plans have shifted, we’re not going to Germany. :(  Hopefully the Germany plan is just put off to 2014. We’re going to Denmark/Sweden/Norway instead. Anybody got any can’t-miss destinations for the medievalist in those places?  


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