Sep 16, 2007 21:22
That's it. I'm not editting the layout of this lj till I can't tolerate how it looks. Not like I update here often, but still. It is already annoying me now, the alignment of the text. >:B Uhm but whatever, I have to do more important things. Like studying. Ho hum.
I'm supposed to be done with three units of the book today. But obviously I'm not done. I'm only done with 1 and a half units. :( Looks like I'll be sleeping late tonight. Was supposed to bake cupcakes for Matt's birthday but scrapped that idea. Bah.
I was talking to Joanne earlier today, she's farrrrr away having her vacay now at the US of A. I want to go play too! And not being cooped up studying. It's already 9:30pm. And I'm feeling sleepy. This is terrible, I so need to get my work done but I'm still typing here, hahahah. After this la huh. :)
Okay I'm going to bathe now. Later alligator!