It's freezing!

Feb 14, 2008 13:59

Seriously, I'm freezing my ass off. Have you ever even heard of heat, mom?

Happy V-Day to those who celebrate it.

Figured I should do a little update while I have time since I have a couple of things to talk about, which doesn't happen very often cuz my life's pretty boring.

Went to see Phantom of the Opera last Saturday. It was my christmas present from the boyfriend and it was pretty darn good. Then we ate at Jekyl and Hyde's restaurant which was cute. Afterwards we went back home, hung out with his fam for a little, went to Cargo for dessert and a couple of drinks, and called it a night. All in all it was really nice.

Started a new song the other day. I haven't worked on a song in a long time so it's pretty big. I've got the chords and the melody, I just need to figure out what instruments I want and write some lyrics. Most people have lyrics first or at the same time as the melody, but of course I can't work that way because I have to make things difficult. It's okay, they'll come eventually.

Saw my really good friend that I've known since preschool last night. It was really cool to see her since I hadn't in a while. We hung out with her boyfriend and his sister at their place and watched the second Lake Placid. It was one of the most horrible movies I've ever seen, which was awesome.

Now I'm getting ready for work. The jobs have been okay. I don't have as many hours so I can breathe a little now which is good I guess, even though I'm not making as much money. One of my students at the place I teach stopped taking lessons, which is upsetting because he was my favorite one. But things happen.

Tonight I hang out with the boyfriend for a little while after work and then I will be passing out early because I have work tomorrow morning :P Next week I'm hardly working so I'm hoping to hang out with friends a little more cuz I haven't seen anybody in like years. So get ready for me! Woo! Okay, that's it. Another update probably in like a month on whatever holiday is next. St. Patty's? Hell yeah.
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