Aug 25, 2011 22:28
Hi, lemme introduce myself w my broken english.. Please be nice to me since English is not my main language, *ignore my grammatical eror or past present tense thingy* ^^v
Im Putri / Ayu from Indonesia, 23y.o, 88liner - same like My bias Cho Kyuhyun ㅋㅋㅋ
Yuph, he's my 1st bias.. And if you ask who's the next biases..? I'll say from Teuk - Henry are my 2nd biases :D
My OTPs are KyuMin KyuWon EunHae YeeEun etc.. I love all of Suju's couple - official or not - they're too cute and I love seeing their togetherness.. Brothership is always sweet, ritez..? ^_^
aa~ since my bias and OTP from Super Junior, so you guys must know Im an ELF <3
and this journal, Im not sure I'll post something later on..
I cant write a fic, I was tried but my brain felt like complicated threads -_-"
then, Why I create this account..? - Its for u guys, when I create this I felt easier when I want read your fic *especially the f.locked one*, can commenting yours, and make a friends w you all \^_^/
Oke, I thinks that's enough..
Ps : though I want, I cant upload a pic to change my ava.. Its always failed T.T