I'm sorry; I feel I should have been able to tell you this. But since my research proposals were to continue the same project it amounted to the same thing to me.
Don't worry, not your fault. I should have run it past my supervisor (unfortunately, he was away from email over the period concerned).
It would have to happen on the day when I need to pack to go South, the day before I spend all day on a bus, and the day after the drunken department Christmas party, when I'd pencilled in the Christmas shopping, wouldn't it?
It's just occurred to me that I have in fact already written a four-page summary of my work, for my (1st|2nd|3rd) year review (and extremely close readers might be able to spot some difference between those three documents). At least some of that ought to be usable...
I'm sorry; I feel I should have been able to tell you this. But since my research proposals were to continue the same project it amounted to the same thing to me.
Good luck with the rapid re-write!
It would have to happen on the day when I need to pack to go South, the day before I spend all day on a bus, and the day after the drunken department Christmas party, when I'd pencilled in the Christmas shopping, wouldn't it?
-- yemon
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