After accidentally libelling a friend
elsewhere, I decided I needed a disclaimer. So I wrote one.The information you have been given is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate, and has been given in good faith. However, please bear in mind that I could be completely wrong. I might be misinformed, misinterpreting, misremembering, misunderstanding, or otherwise mistaken. I might be hallucinating, delusional, temporarily insane, or (and this one's quite likely) drunk. I might have drawn unjustified conclusions from correct premises; I might have drawn justified conclusions from incorrect premises. There's a reasonably good chance that I'm half-remembering some things that I read some years ago on some website or other with a dubious editorial policy, and tying them together using a deductive technique that doesn't apply in this case.
Please do not use this information for anything safety-critical or for anything potentially embarrassing or dangerous without checking the facts first. Should you do so, and suffer loss of life, limb, money or face, I am not responsible, though I'll probably feel bad about it.
This disclaimer can be found
here, and you're welcome to link to it if you're unsure of something you've just said. You're also welcome to borrow and modify it under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.