American Christianity: is it really Christianity?

Jul 31, 2006 19:24

Fascinating idea from lathos (aka genius Perl hacker turned missionary Simon Cozens): 'The situation only makes sense if you consider a separate entity called "American Christianity" which is an entirely separate religion to Christianity. Not a branch of Christianity, not a form of Christianity, but something with absolutely no connection to Christianity at all. It's a separate religion.' More specifically, a 'syncretic folk religion, based primarily on American nationalism, an expression of the "pervasive religious dimension of American political life"' that takes bits of Christianity basically in the way that voodoo took bits of Catholicism.

Now, Simon definitely knows his theology, and seems to have a pretty good grasp of anthropology too, so I think this idea needs to be taken seriously. But, like, woah. Dude.

[I seriously recommend Simon's blog, by the way. I keep meaning to write a post about the blogs I read which are written by people I don't know, and his would definitely be one on the list. Actually, while I'm here, go and subscribe to jwz, belledejouruk, lathos, bruce_schneier, paulgraham and mrpj_antarctica - the last one is actually written by a friend of mine, but he lives in Antarctica for goodness' sake, how cool is that?*]

*about -20C at the moment, I believe...

Update: Shoulda linked to the actual post. Sorry. Anyway, go read.

religion, links, ideas

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