Please sponsor me!

Mar 01, 2012 23:01

You may recall that one of my New Year's Resolutions was to enter and complete the half-marathon event at the Meadows Marathon. Well, I entered it! Now I just have to actually run the thing. This Sunday, to be precise. I've pounded enough cold pavements over the last three months that I'm fairly confident of finishing, though I've no idea whether I'll finish within my target of two hours.

In keeping with the spirit of the event, I'm trying to raise money for the Against Malaria Foundation, who are one of's two top-rated charities in terms of misery alleviated per dollar donated. It is, in other words, a very good cause. Please sponsor me!.

Edit: I completed the race in 1 hour and 37 minutes, despite being hailed on for the last 1.5 laps. Better than that, though, was my friends' generosity: together, they donated over £400 to the Against Malaria Foundation.

new year, running, charity, edinburgh

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