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Dec 29, 2011 12:08

I've been writing some Perl code recently, and a couple of ideas have occurred to me.
  1. Closures are great when you have several behaviours which can all vary independently; objects are great when you have several behaviours that must all vary in sync with one another. Put another way: if your problem is combinatorial explosion of objects, try using closures instead; if your problem is ensuring consistency among different behaviours, try grouping them into objects. Languages like Perl make it relatively easy to do either, so use the best tool for the job. The trick is to spot that you're using the wrong representation before you either create a kajillion Strategy classes or knock together a half-arsed object system out of hashes of closures.
  2. In the correct quantity, housekeeping tasks can be your friends. By "housekeeping tasks" I mean tasks that don't directly contribute to solving the problem at hand, but which still add some value. An example from yesterday was converting a small class hierarchy to use the Moose object system. Other examples might be writing per-method documentation, cleaning up your version control history, and minor refactorings. If there's too much of this stuff to do, it can get dispiriting - you want to be solving the problem, not mucking about with trivia! But if there's not too much, it can be helpful: you have something to do while you're stuck on the main problem, and the housekeeping work is close enough to the main problem that it stays in your brain's L2 cache, where a background process can work away at it. If you're so stuck that you literally can't make any progress, your choices are (a) think very very hard and get depressed, (b) go and do something totally different, in the process forgetting lots of important details. I find both of these to be less productive.
[If you're interested, my code is of course on GitHub: some fixes to the CPAN module List::Priority, and some code for benchmarking all the priority queues on CPAN. Any suggestions or patches would be very welcome!]

computers, programming, beware the geek

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