Some trivial things I've released recently

Apr 05, 2011 13:06

Here are some bits of code I've released recently:

UK mountain weather forecast aggregator

The Mountain Weather Information Service do an excellent job, providing weather forecasts for all the mountain areas in the UK - most weather forecast sites only give forecasts for inhabited areas, and the weather at sea level often differs in interesting ways from the nearby weather at 1000m. However, their site's usability could be better. They assume that you're already in an area and want to know what the weather's going to be like for the next couple of days¹, but it's more normal for me to know what day I'm free to go hillwalking, and to want to know where I'll get the best weather.

So I decided to write a screen-scraper to gather and collate the information for me. I'd heard great things about Python's BeautifulSoup library and its ability to make sense of non-compliant, real-world HTML, so this seemed like a great excuse to try it out; unfortunately, BeautifulSoup completely failed me, only returning the head of the relevant pages. Fortunately, Afternoon and ciphergoth were on hand with Python advice; they told me that BeautifulSoup is now largely deprecated in favour of lxml. This proved much better: now all I needed to handle was the (lack of) structure of the pages...

There's a live copy running at; you can download the source code from GitHub. There are a bunch of improvements that could be made to this code:
  1. The speed isn't too bad, but it could be faster. An obvious improvement is to stop doing eight HTTP GETs in series!
  2. There's no API.
  3. Your geographic options are limited: either the whole UK, or England & Wales, or Scotland. Here in the Central Belt, I'm closer to the English Lake District than I am to the North-West Highlands.
  4. The page design is fugly severely functional. Any design experts wanna suggest improvements? Readability on mobile devices is a major bonus.
  5. MWIS is dependent on sponsorship for their website-running costs, and for the English and Welsh forecasts. I don't want to take bread out of their mouths, so I should probably add yet more heuristics to the scraper to pull out the "please visit our sponsors" links.
  6. Currently all HTML is generated with raw print statements. It would be nicer to use a templating engine of some sort.
A possible solution to (1) and (2) is to move the scraper itself to ScraperWiki, and replace my existing CGI script with some JavaScript that pulls JSON from ScraperWiki and renders it. Anyway, if anyone feels like implementing any of these features for me, I'll gratefully accept your patches :-)


While I was developing the MWIS scraper, I found it was annoying to push to GitHub and then ssh to my host (or rather, switch to a window in which I'd already ssh'ed to my host) and pull my changes. So I wrote the World's Simplest Deployment Script. I've been finding it really useful, and you're welcome to use it yourself.

[In darcs, of course, one would just push to two different repos. Git doesn't really like you pushing to non-bare repositories, so this isn't such a great idea. If you want to know what an industrial-strength deployment setup would look like, I suggest you read this post about the continuous deployment setup at IMVU.]

bfcc - BrainF*** to C compiler

I was on the train, looking through the examples/ directory in the LLVM source tree, and noticed the example BrainF*** front-end. For some reason, it hadn't previously occurred to me quite how simple it would be to write a BF compiler. So I started coding, and had one working by the time I got back to Glasgow (which may sound a long time, but I was on my way back from an meeting and was thus somewhat drunk). You can get it here. aaroncrane suggested a neat hack to provide O(1) arithmetic under certain circumstances: I should add this, so I can claim to have written an optimising BF compiler :-)

All of these programs are open source: share and enjoy. They're all pretty much trivial, but I reckon that creating and releasing something trivial is a great improvement over creating or releasing nothing.

¹ Great Britain is a small, mountainous island on the edge of the North Atlantic. Long-term weather forecasting is a lost cause here.

programming, compilers, git, python, perl, computers, bf, mountains, c

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