Dec 12, 2008 08:26
Dear Facebook,
You know I'm not single. If you track IP addresses, which I'm sure you do, then you also know that I share a computer with my girlfriend, and thus even if I were inclined to stray, I wouldn't do so from here.
So could you please stop showing me adverts for hot singles I could meet in my area?
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Or do you mean the text ones at the side? They're more ignorable. Though actually, It'd never occurred to me before to be righteously indignant about the fact that most of them are for weight-loss techniques; I stupidly assumed everyone got the same. How fucking rude.
I don't think I've had a weight-loss ad through Facebook, but then I've only had my account there for a week or so. I get them everywhere else, though. I did briefly wonder if I were being targeted because I've written about weight loss, but then reckoned that the market for junk diets is so huge they probably show them to everyone.
The diet industry's awful, isn't it?
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