Dec 07, 2011 20:55

Hello all and sundry!
As you know I have never done a picspam in my entire life but I think that the occasion calls for it. THE OCCASION IS LOVE, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.
There aren't really many characters in the Eagle and to many of you, fewer still worth any attention. However, since I love everyone and I'm always really interested in secondary characters and the potential behind them (I love Lutorius so shush all yese haters!)and therefore I would like to introduce appreciation posts for those handsome devils that lurk in the shadows of our epic story! For this purpose I'll direct myself chiefly with the movieverse since the book's completely different in that regard. Or different enough to have an argument of its own.

The first dark horse to run our little Ascot is Liathan and the handsome devil of a man that portrays him, namely the one the only .

Now, Liathan/Seal Prince seems to always get cast, in fic and I think in the collective mind of the fandom, as the villain of the piece. And yes, to a certain extent he is, the Seal People are presented as Others, ultimate Others even, less human and perhaps more Barbaric than Esca who after all speaks Latin, but it largely due to the POV we follow through Marcus. Truth is, there are hardly heroes and villains here. Marcus might seem like one but he does what he does for ultimately, rather selfish reasons. It's an intimate story of individuals wrapped up in the bigger picture.
Between the three of them (Marcus, Esca and Liathan), the Seal Prince is the only one that does not deceive or lie. He takes Esca into his tribe without as much a second question and he is the one to pay for his trust and hospitality dearly.

He gets a lot of shit for having killed his son (and yes yes yes I know Channing said that the kid wasn't his son, but well the said kid calls him his dad so I dunno IT'S SOMETHING FOR THE SEAL ADOPTION SERVICES TO INVESTIGATE), but seriously, can anyone really imagine him doing so willingly? It is a matter of the tribe, such things are above blood or affection. At least I'd assumed they would be.

Sadly, Tahar's not really known in the English-speaking world, largely due to being so delightfully continental I presume. It's a shame cause he's absolutely brilliant, multilingual and incredibly charismatic and quite obscenely famous and acknowledged (he wont a Cesar for Best Actor) in his homeland . And with a bone-structure you'd think, has died out with the Shelleys! Poetic and rugged, something so Byronic about him. I just want to see him in rippy shirts and amazing waistcoats. and he and Jamie Bell should be little European hipster boyfriends but I rest my case lol lol lol Just look at this beautiful, talented, sexy scoundrel:


A Prophet - clip

SO UHM. THIS MIGHT SOUND A BIT *AWKWARD* BUT I'VE WANTED THIS FOR A WHILE. Uh namely a quasi-Lawrence-of-Arabia The Eagle AU. Like I've wanted this since like uhhh...the beginning of fandom and time but uh now it's like basically there with goddamn Guern and Liathan already there. I kind of picture Esca as the Lawrence-like figure, a British soldier gone native, and Marcus as his superior/super-uptight replacement/the Perfect Imperialist from a disgraced family. I was shitloads of sexual, political and cultural tensions. Lots of costume porn and kohl. AND UH FUCKING.

Interview and review of Tahar's movies in French
Tahar about himself and Black Gold in English and in French with subtitles
Interview for Black Gold (French)

are you convinced of his supreme French cuteness? WELL YOU SHOULD BE.

Dealing with the consequences
God, I've re-read this fic so many times, everything in it is wonderful poignant and spot on. Amazing, strained, painful and beautiful. Esca/Marcus/Liathan and it works. IT WORKS BEAUTIFULLY

First Day of Class I promised to myself not to pimp the shit out of it until it's finished but seriously aeroport_art's Liathan is so fucking kick-arse I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY. I honestly wish he'd be Esca's bff in modern AUs more often.

Odi et Amo now, I might be cheating here a bit since uhm I have not caught up with the whole of it yet BUT it has an absolutely amazing Liathan!

and of the more villainous kind:
One Percenters, a sequel to frackin-sweet's brilliant Bottoming Out


kudos to Tifff for the lovely headers and cleaning up the delicious pics and uhm.... FIXING THE CODES FOR ME CAUSE I AM SPECIAL and UHM GUIDING ME THROUGH ALL THIS, including the notion of picspam

liathan, fic recs, the eagle, french lovin', a prophet, seal prince, la commune, stufffff, tahar picspam

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