Nov 04, 2009 14:33
Hooooo boy. Let me just start by saying that it seems to be Con tradition to get lost.
We made it to our hotel with little problem. The Lexington was better quality than I thought for the price that I got it for. I think it was so low because it was RIGHT NEXT to the airport. Mmm...planes. (it wasn't too bad of a sound, really. It's like when the air conditioning cuts on in your house and you jump the first couple times...but then you're just like "oh, no biggie." and move along with your life)
No, we got lost trying to find the con from the room. I will never stray away from Mapquest again. Google may be able to pinpoint any person in the word, but when it comes to actual street names, I might as well have asked a blind man. Our hotel was 15 minutes away from the site, but the drive took us 45 minutes to figure out. ^_^;
We made friends in the line, though in fact, we spent a lot of time making friends in lines. This year I went to two things that I missed out on last year.
1. The Concert (spoony bard, my dear disco, and lemon demon) -Spoony Bard was awesome. They actually went all out and sang Inner Universe which straight up blew my mind. My Dear Disco got the crowd on their feet. Andy was really feelin' them, which kind of surprised me, but made me happy. I'd already exposed Angel to MDD, so she was flailin' around and singing along with me. They played a cover of Micheal Jackson, which made all of the MJ cosplayers (yes, they were there) and the random black Kakashi next to us start dancin' like he would. One MJ actually got up on the stage. I was proud of the band for letting him tear it up with them. Lemon Demon was good and cute, like usual. They didn't have the same amount of energy as MDD, though. So there was less Dancing involved. It didn't stop Angel, though. She's a huge Lemon Demon fan and she kept screamin' stuff out in her excitement. XD Bless her heart.
2. The Masquerade- I wasn't in it, but my buddy, Sammii(two i's), was in a skit and I wanted to give my support. All of the skits were pretty hilarious, but the best one there was the chair. If you did not attend the masquerade, you would not understand the sheer magnitude of love and appreciation and devotion I have for the chair. If you WERE there, then you're probably laughing your arse off right now. lol
Of course, I revisited my favorite events from last year.
VAT's Top 10 AMVs were great, as always.
The Game Room was pimped out with all the newest stuff. The set-up was different in there this year, though. I think it was because of all the live bands and djs they had goin' in there.
The Dealer's Room was just as packed as always. I revisited the weaponry booth and attained a sword. MISSION COMPLETE! However, I have reason to think that I grabbed the wrong sword when I went to pay for it. Merely, because I remember there being an engravement on the blade stating that it was 440 steel. When I looked at it later, it wasn't on the sword. The handle and sheath are the same, I may just be buggin' out. I'd hate to have paid $80 for a $40 sword. Perhaps I'll bring it with me next time and ask her about it.
and of course, the rave. (I'll get to that in a minute)
By this point, I was actually dressed up as something. (I didn't cosplay on Friday or Sunday b/c I never got together with Kandice on Thursday to get all of our stuff together. I tried to go to walmart anyways, but we couldn't find it. Just ended up wasting more of andy's gas. :( Brad cosplayed and Angel/Andy dressed up but not as chars.) I went as a black and red kitteh on Saturday, thanks to Dave. He handmade ears and a tail for me. I was very excited. The tail was HUGE and it had a wire frame so it could curve into whatever shape I wanted.
But it was lethal. I doubt I would have smacked as many people with it, if they were nicer about it when they passed. You know when you're walking in the woods and the person in front of you pushes a branch aside...and suddenly it comes WOOSHING right into your face triple speed?
Yeah. That was my tail.
and I could feel it, too. It was seriously connected to my bum (it's hard to explain, but it was hooked onto my pants in a way where I didn't even NEED belt loops) and every touch felt like an indirect act of molestation.
Super awkward when people came up to me (or stood behind me in lines) and petted or batted at me for fun. I'm like...HEEEEY! Oh-right. Tail. Nyaaaa~! =^_^=
I enjoyed the kitty friends I made. Not as big of a family as Narutards, but still a nice following of friends.
Why did you need to know that? Well, because I was still wearing the tail at the rave. (I'm such a jerk, hahaha) It happened where I'd go into a tight nit group of ppl, and suddenly cause a big birth of space amongst them because of my tail. Later, I would find Sabrina and Dave on the dance floor and Sabrina helped me tuck it up just right so that I wasn't murderizing everyone. =P
As soon as she did that, Andy started dancin' with his glow sticks next to this guy with an ass-ton of them. The guy started swingin' them around all rave-y like and we ended up having to step back to give him space (or else risk glow stick to the face). The floor made a circle around him and soon it turned into battle after battle. Dance offs are very entertaining.
Except for the people directly behind me that petted my tail the entire time I stood watching. (XD awkward) Also, Renji! On the stage, tearin' it up! He's a great cosplayer and totally hyped. I :heart: him, wherever he is.
I didn't dance as long as I did last time. Angel had stepped out to get some air, and when I came out to see her she was pretty much done for the night. I spent the rest of the rave sitting next to her and waiting for Andy to come out when it was done. I'm glad he stayed and had fun.
Finally, I can't talk about Youmacon without talking about the cosplayers. I'll have the pix up soon (used someone else's camera, and I'm waiting to be sent the files), but for now I'd just like to shine a light on a few of my favorites. Most of which you can find pix of on DA if you search Youmacon 09.
Giant Charizard (pokemon)
Giant MetalGreymon (digimon)
Gatomon (digimon)
Giant Soldier Heartless (KH)
Giant bar of soap
Zidane and Garnet (FF9)
Dark Link (Zelduh :P)
Soul Eater photoshoot was BOMB!
Resident Evil photoshoot was fun (they were cold outside, so they raided the Ouran High photoshoot by running in -nemesis at the front-guns out, demanding they share the room)
TONS of steampunks
Great gothlolis
Power Rangers
AND more actual MALES playing cloud and axel (thnx for that guys!)
There were tons more that I know I'm forgetting, but you'll see them soon.
The best thing is that Youmacon is changing location next year!
I heard Morgan talking about it with some of his helpers. "Think WAY bigger. WAY better next year. We won't have to dance around the hotel stuff, it'll be free reign!"
You think Youmacon's a monster now? Just wait! Next year's gonna BLOW YOUR MIND!
youmacon 09 cosplay michigan kitty kingd