Hey everyone. Haven't posted in a while, but I'm sick, which finds me more of a lump than usual and I can't do much so thought I'd stop in and say hey. Luckily it's not a totally debilitating sickness, hence the actual post. And my ability to use the word "hence."
Let's see... school is going well, now in a rather boring network and server structures class. Been trying to keep up with comicing, for which I've changed my site recently. Still not totally happy with it. Wonder if I'll ever be satisfied with any site design. Meh.
Here's the new layout. **Gamer Geek Alert!** Been playing Aion online, and it's pretty damn good. Closest online game I can compare it to is WoW, but I like this better. I chose the evil side of course. And you get wings. Big black wings. I'm thoroughly enjoying the Assassin class, what with the sneaking and the stabbing.
Ugh. Suddenly tired. I should eat.