Apr 24, 2006 17:06
Every now and then I wonder why I write on here. I look at what I write, and how I write it. Think about the people that read it. I think about how much I need to write what I write. Does it need to be public? Does what I right do anything for anyone? Does it just feed the need to form assumptions? I wanted to write something just now but found my self in this pool of thoughts. Among others as well...
Today I re-think how I live my life today.
Thinkin about learning new ways to make less of an impact while still enjoying my self. Thats the only way I'm gonna make any kinda change. Gotta make it good, fun, easy, and cheap to do. I don't have the money to pay for expensive oil, and acrylic paints. I have some now, but their gonna run out, and when it does would I want more? I've thought about using alternatives as I've begun painting more, but I've never really painted a whole lot. So i feel like if I'm going to now I can learn with natural pigments while I'm not medium dependent with my skills. Water colour painting could be done with turmeric, dandelion's (yellow) beats, back berries (red/purple) to name a few. I can find pigments of just about every shade, I can even grow them my self!. For free, on sun power! How good is that? Of course it's not the same as oil or acrylic, but I'm not attached so maybe I'll give it a shot. Wouldn't hurt to try. Maybe it will be good, fun, easy, and cheap to do.
Maybe there are more artistic alternatives. Other practices that I can work so that my art can stand for what so much of what I really wanna say. Environmental, sustainable, and respectful creations. I think it would feel really good to sport paintings and other creations that don't contradict those sort of messages.
Maybe it's fun easy and cheap to do.
Wouldn't hurt to take a look. So that I can look upon my creations with confidence and pride. Respecting mama natures vibe.
Gardening life helps you stay alive.