It's all in one picture... in one email notification that woke me up at 5 am...
The release that we hyphens were all expecting since months, with a unexpected added surprise: finally, for the first time ever, KAT-TUN will have a concert Blue-Ray disk release!
Joy! Throws paint Confettis!
Except... I don't have a blue-ray disk player LOL
And since I don't, I skipped Blue-ray info and checked DVD info and immediatly complaint about the missing Union Concert. >_>
No matter what, buying the blue-ray version is a given, even if it's oh so expensive. I will store it and keep it in my dvd rack till I'll upgrade my player. Eventually.
I'm very happy I'm gonna watch Union, that I attended live, and Cast, that I couldn't attend.
The dudes are back, my wallet is frightened but I'm very happy! :)