Nov 18, 2011 19:03
It's November again, and all of a sudden, before I could even think about it, half of this month has passed already.
This morning, I learned the old German words for November: Windmond ("wind-moon"), Nebelung (Nebel = fog) and Wintermonat ("winter month"). We have a children's calendar (by "die Sendung mit der Maus") on our kitchen table, and for every day, there is something fun to learn. Todays lesson made me smile, loving the way these old words are so perfectly descriptive for this time of the year. Windy, foggy, and the inofficial beginning of winter.
On most of the mornings, we can see fog still hanging between mountains from our kitchen tables. It is one of the most beautiful things I've seen this autumn, with the leaves turned red and yellow.