
Jul 29, 2010 08:44


Name Ria
LJ outwish
AIM riatardedness
Timezone GMT -8 | US Pacific
Current characters HERE BE FRESH MEAT


Name Krayon
Series Demon Diary | Read Online
Timeline Post-Volume Four, after he releases Raenef and his worm buddies from his realm

Affiliation Pokémon Trainer

Personality Krayon rules over the land of Egae with terror and without mercy, befitting of a true demon lord. He is one of the five eldest demons in existence. He's obsessed with beauty, however, and will thus go to great lengths to preserve his youthful appearances, contrary to demon etiquette (never you mind that they're all pretty boys that's just coincidence). He hasn't gone ageless, though: Krayon's picked up a few habits of the elderly, such as lecturing. Vanity isn't his only sin; with age comes great power, making him one of the five most powerful demons as well. Krayon doesn't think twice before exploiting weaker beings for his own benefit, even for something as silly as billowing his cape out. In fact, he's so selfish that he'll disregard the true feelings of the one he loves (or so he claims to love, Erutis) in favor of his own. Krayon is highly territorial with his belongings and will seize something the moment he realizes he desires it.

Krayon demands respect and has a pride to rival the other egomaniac in the series, Chris. (Okay, he's not that bad.) In addition to wrecking havoc and destruction, he'll ignore those he doesn't deem worthy to speak to him. The other side of Krayon is dramatic and flamboyant. First of all, appearances: Krayon's hair looks like the most delicious, honey-covered, curled licorice, he has two star tattoos on his left cheek, nails to match a Victorian grandmother's, a matching embossed jewelry set, and a professional but frilly getup that belongs in the 1800s. Oh, but it doesn't stop there. This eccentric will even pull out roses and lyres when the moment demands it.

What's important to keep in mind about Krayon is the fact he's a proper demon lord. He gets off on blood and guts and only cares about himself. Everything he does will somehow or another benefit himself -- why else would he do something? Caring, kindness, friendliness, those are things a real demon lord doesn't need. Krayon is persistent and pompous, demanding and demeaning, sadistic and sarcastic... Basically a major pain-in-the-ass. If Krayon was an itch on your body, he'd be that single itch you just can't scratch; and even in the rare instance where you do manage to scratch it -- sweet liberty! -- it simply won't go away. What can he say? Misery loves company.

Strengths As one of the strongest and oldest demon lords in existence, Krayon was considerably powerful before arriving in ye ol' PokéVerse. Disarmed from his magic, Krayon now has to rely on his brute force and diva personality. He's not to be underestimated although he might be an old man. He'll take you young 'uns out to the shed and crack you a new one.

He sometimes speaks with an Australian accent. This is totally a strength.

Weaknesses Without his demon powers to safeguard him from the hostility his personality creates, Krayon is a bit at a loss. That and his people skills -- at least towards the ones he likes -- are about as good as a fifth grader's. He stalks down the person and tries desperately to make them join him. It's as if he treats people like he's picking out a puppy at a pet store. If he doesn't get what he wants immediately, he is genuinely coy and dashes off. It doesn't stop him from coming back, though. Again and again and again...


Starter Gastly
Password Salmon riceballs


Journal [ The feed clicks onto Demon Lord Fancy Pants himself, exasperated and quickly tapping his finger. ]

It's one dump after another, isn't it? Adding injury to insult, this pack I've been procured with has replaced my usual clothing with this hideous thing.

[ He pulls a juggler uniform out of the PokéGear ]

What is the meaning of this!? You dare insult me with this?

...Hmph. It seems that I might have to summon the council. Transportation between realms is one thing, but the nullification of mezarez... Well, there's not a lot you can do without that, is there? Don't even try to tell me this is a dream. I create your dreams, child.

Log Demon Lord Krayon of Egae: ruthless, brutal, terrifying, and newly subjected to working in a PokéMart. After days of resistance, the need for food won him over. They could take his powers -- he learned that the hard way after trying to teleport himself back to his realm, they could take the elemental spirits he exploited on a regular basis, but they could not take away his rings. It was the only thing that could lighten up the bland PokéMart uniform!

The demon lord threw some potions into a PokéGear for a trainer about to embark on their journey. The trainer wouldn't stop talking about their new journey. Actually, the trainer wouldn't stop talking in general. Manners were necessary when dealing in demon formalities, not for mortals. Krayon practically threw the the PokéGear back at its owner. He collected the money and sneered, "come again," as the trainer left warily.

The PokéMart was completely empty now, save for a few employees. He hadn't seen much of the manager since he demanded they hire him. He has assumed the position of head clerk, something usually reserved for the seasoned employees. What did they expect of him? He might break a nail if he was on stock duty! Why, if he still had his demonic powers, he could easily move anything without the fear of breaking a nail. But then again, he wouldn't be working in a PokéMart if he had his powers right now. Truly, being a mortal was a tiresome thing.

Krayon looked over the aisles to make sure the employees were stocking the products on the shelves correctly. It was one of his many duties as head clerk and something not too far from the management of his castle back in Egae; nowhere near as glamorous as his castle back in Egae, of course. The employees cowered into the box they were unloading the stock from when they realized Krayon was watching them. He smirked. He was too old for this but he still had it. Some things never got old.


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