Oh. Oh my gosh. OH MY GOSH!!!

May 31, 2006 10:10




YAY! Oh, yay!

But I have to stop saying "Yay" because that will jinx it. I really don't want to jinx it. I really want this to happen...

They're airing Hogday Afternoon on PRG, Parts I and II. Tomorrow is part one and Friday is part two.

Yes. It's fantastic! For those of you who weren't informed, I've been hunting MMAR episodes for a while now, to no avail. (Unless you count finding and downloading ARoA p1 and 2 last year as avail, 'cause I sure as heck do!)

I think I can get up easily enough to catch it, but I want to record it at the same time and have it forever and ever and ever. I've written about those jerk aliens who screwed around with my VCR when I tried to record the Lightspeed finale and a couple of Time Force episodes.

Well, this time, I'll try to use the little tv in my room to record on. Problems? Of course.

My VCR... eats... tapes. I haven't recorded anything on it since early Dino Thunder, and it almost killed my MMPR:TM tape! Like, an actual tape bought from Walmart! But I don't have a choice. I have to try.

I don't want to risk any of my more-filled tapes, (like my Green with Evil + Rangers of Two Worlds tape, or my highly-prized Psycho Ranger tape.) so I'll be using the Storybook Rangers tape, and record over Wild West Rangers. Not a problem. I just have to set part two to record a little extra, so if the VCR doesn't want to let go, nothing utterly priceless will be damaged.

Smart, right? Yes, it's a good plan, but with my luck, the house will probably burn down at two in the morning tomorrow and I'll be so busy having third degree burns treated in a hospital that I won't get to see the episode at all. I think I would rather go untreated... That, or the power will go out three seconds to seven, and I won't wake up because the alarm won't go off, and the tv won't record.

Don't give me that look. They're both extremely likely. The latter more-so, of course, but just the same...

A third way it could go wrong is that the folks up at ABC Headquarters will change their mind at the last minute and replace Hogday Afternoon with Sensei Switcheroo. They've pulled that kind of crap before, I wouldn't be surprised. I'd be emotionally devastated, but not surprised. They hate me. I hate that episode. It all works out. They figure:

"Oh, Kakuranger. They were Ninjas. Hurricanger, oh, they were ninja-y, too! We can swap the Power Ranger episodes out, and no one will notice, except True, but we hate her, because she hated our glorious Dino Thunder! Bwaaahahahahaaa!"

I have to try and beat them.

I... have... to try! Power of the Heart, to arms! Kihap!

power rangers!

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