the countdown is well underway

Jan 16, 2001 22:26 week six days for me, one week five days for him. Just crazy.
Does anyone out there really realise what we're doing? I'm in love with a boy I've never met and he'll be here in less than 2 weeks! He'll be here to live in my house and stay with me all the time for the next 2 months. We're going to disneyland. We're going lots of places. We have all of these hopes and fears, and no way to know how rational or irrational they are. And in just over a week we'll both be hit right in the face with it....just here it is, no do-overs. How strange is it to know the date on which your life will ultimately be forever changed? Maybe he IS the guy I've been praying for all my life. What then? And what if he isn't? How could he POSSIBLY not be? I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown if anyone out there can tell at all.
I would talk about other things going on if I was able to THINK about anything other than jonathan coming here. I go to work each day and think of him, then I go to school and think of him, and then I come home and think of him. I fixed up his room a month ago, for goodness sake, can you imagine what I'm like NOW?
For all of you who are friends of Jonathan, now is the time to tell me anything and everything about him that I should know before he gets here. Well, okay, maybe not. I'm already afraid of him from just the stories HE'S told me. But if anyone knows of any murders he's committed or of other girls he met online who have mysteriously disappeared, please fill me in. Breathe, Melanie, breathe.
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