Elect Louise!
Fighting for your right to par-tay
'What will your campaign slogan be?' at
QuizGalaxy.com What will happen on the first day of school?
• Adrian will pants you in front of the hot new kid• James will show how out of shape they are in gym class• Michelle will start a food fight with your spagetti• Jess will invite you to be their alter-ego superhero sidekick• Alyce will come to school drunken and fall into a garbage can
'What will happen on the first day of school?' at
QuizGalaxy.com What do you subconsciously think of your friends?Friend's NameWord AssociationMeaning AdrianBatMysterious, Intelligent, Enigma. This person is hugely alluring to you. JamesBellSomeone whom you feel may be dangerous to let into your heart. AlycePearlBeautiful and real - you have a lot of respect for this person. RyanLanternThe person who sees you for you. MichelleWigYou believe this person to be totally insane. (And they SO are!) JessZooThe least socially-conventional person that you know. (And, consequently, the most fun.)
'What do you subconsciously think of your friends?'