~ Take me somewhere I can breathe ~

Apr 19, 2005 15:22

Loving the sunny weather, yayyyy \o/
Dunno why I'm happy since I just handed in a TERRIBLE essay that I don't think will pass, and had an exam which I definitely failed cos I hadn't read the book that it was about!! But there you go ;p
I just blabbed about feminism or something for a few pages and then stared out of the window cos it's a beautiful day and I had a nice view from where I was sitting!! I could also see Jade sleeping on the desk, haha! At the end of the exam she was like "I handed in a blank sheet!" but I might as well have done really!
Haven't really been doing anything interesting *ponders*
I just bought chocolate soya milk from Tesco (yummmmmmmm yummy yum yum yum) and strawberries :)
.........but that's not interesting.
What the hell have I been doing??!
Trying to motivate myself to work I think, and failing!
I remember now.
Yes, I embarrassed myself.
Onnn Saturday?
Me Lewis and Stacie were playing cards and I was like, "we should play with alcohol!!"
So out came the bottle of vodka and the shot glasses (well, egg-cups, but you know ;p)
And guess what........I lost........A LOT........and had like 13 shots :S
God I was drunk :S
I don't really rememberrr but apparently I fell over several times in the kitchen, banged my head on the oven, was sick in the kitchen sink (EWWW), rang John and kept telling him I loved him and asking the same questions over and over again, and was sick in the bathroom upstairs before putting my tshirt on inside out and falling asleep in a drunken haze.
I definitely didn't feel too good when I woke up!!
Damn vodka.
Haha and then I texted John telling him I was really hungover and about the card games, and he was like ".....yeah I know, you rang me"
It was scary cos I didn't remember at all!! Silly Emily.
Lalala, yeaaa, nuffin's really happened.
Stacie's sister visited with her husband and 2 children (Benjamin & Joshua) and they're veryyyy sweet :)
Made me want a babyyyyyyyyyy, but not just yet ;)
Had a long talk with Jennyfer online <3 and talked to Emma S on the phone briefly <3 and Emma K online who's sooo happy and in love with Lee and awww, bless her :)
Loving all of them <3 <3 <3 OBVIOUSLY.
I think I'm gonna go cos I don't have anything interesting to say and this is a really lame entry ;p

xXx Lovelovelove xXx
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