Nov 16, 2011 06:00
So last night I watched Glee and found myself rather angreh!! cause after the show, I saw the reviews out there and it ticked me off..
basically Santana, whom has been evil to everyone but Brittany (because shes a closet lesbian and loves Brittany), got the karmatic smackdown she so rightfully deserved. She went waaay over the line in her insults and Finn finally lost it retalliating in the school hallway with "Why dont you just come out of the closet?" Which resulted in some OTHER political campaign doing the "Lesbian Lead Cheerleader Bad!!" So.. She SLAPPED Finn at the end.
Now the reviews I've read are all "Oooh!! Finn is wrong and evil!!" Blah blah blah blah.
Apparently they forgot that LAST season, Santana BLACKMAILED a closeted gay student into forming some kind of antibullying group (made up of her and him only) to try and get sympathy votes for Prom Queen. Or that since the beginning of the series, she has done nothing but bully and insult everyone around her. If she were a guy? Someone would have punched her out by now. I know I would have.
as much as I love the musical numbers and the show itself, there are so many things wrong with this show at this point.. Making Santana out to be the victim just because someone "Outted" her is just wrong. She got what she deserved.
Not to say that Finn is entirely innocent, but you dont constantly act like a bitch to everyone and NOT expect to have someone take the cheap shot when you've been doing it for so long.