Iguana on the Loose! (not a joke)

Aug 08, 2011 22:05

Remember our little adoptee kitten, Bella, who passed away last year? Well, Mom took in a ginger kitten from her best friend in the neighborhood, the one that runs a secret cat and dog rescue. Though it was intended to be a temporary move, Clarence "Clancy," as he is now called, is pretty much a permanent resident. Mom and her friend have since become the neighborhood and town rescue team, looking for lost animals and trying to get them back to food, water, and shelter. Some of their rescue efforts resemble stakeouts, trading naps inside the car while the other watches for cats to arrive in a baited area. They've had some excellent successes and a few disappointments, and frankly, I think they'd make a good odd-couple sitcom, running around each week on a new animal rescue adventure.

Until this week, when it came out that there is a four-foot long iguana running loose in the neighborhood. The family who lost the iguana actually did so about a month ago, but didn't tell anyone, leading Mom and her friend to wonder if they were trying to get rid of the creature. The lid was blown off the story, however, when another neighbor was outside weeding her garden, and looked up into the eyes of this rather large reptile.

After a change of clothing, this neighbor composed herself and took a picture of the iguana. She even tried to catch it, though it was having none of it, and the neighbor was rather reluctant to touch it, and it ran away. She took the picture over to Mom's friend, who thought she remembered that someone in the neighborhood had an iguana. They owned up to it, and claimed they'd been looking for it. Mom's friend offered to help, and asked about catching the iguana, whom, she has been informed, does not hesitate to bite.

So Mom and her friend have set several dog traps in the area, baited with bananas. Jury's out to see how many raccoons and opposums they'll catch instead. There's also something of a clock on the situation, since iguanas can't live outdoors if it gets below a certain temperature. Given that it's August, things will be changing soon. Hope they catch him...just catch him carefully!
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