Ice Storm 2011

Feb 04, 2011 22:47

Checking around on LJ - everyone seems to have made it through the winter weather all right, so there's that to be thankful for!

Ah, this wasn't anything compared to the New England Ice Storm of 2008. Now that was an ice storm to make one quaver. In the Midwest, though, there aren't so many trees falling down to make life hell. Not as much ice, either, in my area - only an inch or so. Granted, only the sheerest coating of ice can make life hell. The fact that it came in layers, however - ice, then two or three inches of sleet, then more ice, made it difficult to crack apart, especially on my car. Though I'd cleared the windows, I couldn't clear all the ice off of the car, so I kind of squeaked as I drove along. I was lucky - I only lost power for 30 minutes or so on Tuesday night. My editor lost her power on Tuesday and got it back this morning. Mom and I were trapped for several days on top of the mountain in New Hampshire, but we had the generator to rely on for some power. I need to stop telling that story at work, though, because I think my air of "I've seen worse" is starting to annoy others...

I kind of thought that I'd get to do more extensive coverage of the storm affecting the area - talk to people camped out in the shelters and warming centers - visit the police and fire stations, talk to hospitals about ice injuries. Unfortunately, we had to clamp down on paper size because of ads this week, so we could only squeeze in a smaller amount of copy, and it seemed more important to be directing people to the warming centers and shelters, and telling the extent of the damage (never when the power's coming back on, which is all people want to know and the one thing that power companies will never commit to in print).

I did, however, get some pictures from a mile-long penguin shuffle on the ice - only fell once.

An icy tangle.

I love the icicles hanging from the crowns of the faces on this church.


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