Blessed Silence - Drabble Request #1

Jun 28, 2008 09:53

 Drabble request from
mere_ubu, who requested Spike/Buffy with keyword "nose(s)."

(I'm taking three more requests. If you'd like to request a drabble, comment here.

Title: Blessed Silence
Rated PG

Buffy Summers was the love of Spike’s life, mistress of his eager heart.

But God help him, if she didn’t stop snoring, he‘d need earplugs.

Moving with extreme care and the gentlest of touches, he applied the strip to her nose.

Ah. Blessed silence.

Except that Buffy’d woken up.

“Spike?” she mumbled groggily. “What’re you doing?”

“Eskimo kiss, love.” Suiting action to words, he nuzzled his nose against her own. Smiling sleepily and bemusedly, she returned the gesture, before falling back into slumber against his shoulder.

Spike relaxed into the pillow. He’d pay for it in the morning, but now…

drabble, fic

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