ἄλφα (alpha)
heavyweaponsbot | squad leader
hadalotofsugar redhot_redeemed dormant_beast thenotmagician βῆτα (beta)
lastofvaldemar | squad leader
medicalofficer keepthedeaddown bemiiine rdmcatpaw γάμμα (gamma)
tattoofists | squad leader
skinbrand soldierbee brynkitten bbskypirate Βοηθητική (auxiliary)
fracturefall scarredpalms standardpackage pimp_hat chopshopgoddess soyouwannaplay betterthanleo tachikhromatic gotyourwallet λεπτομέρεια φρουρά (guard detail)
tanvirus palutenas_angel icanfight unamvirtus Thursday_angel In times of crisis, look to your squad leaders. They will be aware of any contingencies in place.
A woman,
missmimmi, has made her room available as a central location for those who wish protection in those same times. If you are so inclined, contact her, for her room number is given out at her discretion alone.
For my part, I reside in room 1212 on the like deck. It will function as a command center should the need arise.
If I am killed or otherwise incapacitated at a critical time,
ntjstapwn is my lieutenant. I ask that you would put in him what trust in his abilities you would in mine.
If you've questions, ask them.
[The message is repeated in any number of Earth languages - Italian, German, French, Swedish and Japanese, to name a few. If your character's from a fairly typical Earth sometime in the last two thousand years, feel free to assume their language is lumped in there somewhere as well! A full text-based transcription follows. This, ladies and gentlemen, is how you play vampire baseball, because he's covering all his bases like a motherfucker.
Plus, he doesn't sparkle.
As an ooc note - the usernames are lampshaded as shipNET IDs, for IC and OOC convenience. ♥]