CSI:NY -- All Access

Apr 27, 2006 01:53

This ep didn't bother me as much as I thought it would, which surprised me. Don't get me wrong, the Stella/Frankie plot was painful and hard to watch, but it was handled very well, and for the most part, they got everything right.

I really could have given two shits about Kid Rock. Srsly.

stellaluna_ said over in her review that this is one of those eps that would have been better served without the b-plot. I agree. They should have just focused on Stella's case and given that much more to it. There was so much that they could have fleshed out, and should have.

This is where I get rambly and sort of stream-of-consciousness.

We all know how much of a Lindsay fangirl I am, right? I yelled at the tv and told her to STFU on more than one occasion. Argh. So annoyed with her. But, her freakout over Stella makes me wonder how close to canon the backstory I've given her is. Hm. Also, hated what she was wearing. I'm just really opposed to that sweater on her. She needs things that fit better. It didn't do her any favors in CotD, and it's not helping her now. If anything, it makes her look smaller than she really is. Yes, I'm being shallow and talking about fashion. Shut up.

I think Danny held in any and all emotion that he may have shown, simply because he's still dealing with Louie and those events. Do I think he didn't care about Stella? Not at all. But for someone else so close to him to be in peril this soon, I think that's too much for him to deal with right now. And he's certainly not going to break down in front of Lindsay. He's going to save that until he gets home. to Flack.

Speaking of Flack, he was amazing with Stella. Said all the right things to jog her memory, but never once tried to lead her. I think, honestly, that I have a new respect for Don after this ep. He showed what a true friend is and does, and yeah. I love him. And Eddie just makes me want to squish him something fierce. And the hug at the end of the ep, you could tell they both needed that.

Mac. Mac, Mac, Mac. Where do I start with you? You were broken from the time you heard the radio call, and it showed throughout the ep. You handled it as best as you could, for both your and Stella's sakes. I'm proud of you for knowing where you needed to be. But at the end, you shouldn't have offered her the hotel. What you should have said? "I know you probably don't want to be alone right now. Come by, I'll sleep on the couch, you take my bed. You need someone with you right now." But, you've probably got that "I'm her boss" mentality, and I can accept that. Just, come on. Drop it and make with the Detective First Grade babies already!

Overall, I liked this ep. More than I thought I would, which is good. It dealt with a nasty, difficult subject [and I'm not talking about Kid Rock] and it handled it well. Bravo, TPTB. Now don't fuck up the rest of the season, capisca?

And now I go to bed.

Public. Review of CSI:NY.


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