Riku was always up for venturing out into the universe beyond the land he'd been locked up in since birth- not that he currently had any problems with staying in Cyril of course, but nonetheless he just needed to get out. This was where Estrasia came in. At first he was hesitant about living somewhere foreign, only because he had a more-than-longing feeling to stuff Sora and Kairi into his suitcase and sneak them into the academy with him. But of course this was only Riku wishing for the impossible; once he came to terms with the fact that the three of them were bound to wind up traveling down different roads one day, he felt a little better about leaving. At least he'd be able to expand his boundaries and possibly open a door to a new lifestyle with his powers.
He was only there for a few days, much like all of the other first year students in the classroom. It wasn't too boring, and saying it was okay would have been an understatement. Life was a little more interesting to say the least; he realized that a lot of his classmates weren't the same everyday Average Joe kids you'd meet anywhere. Some of them differed from the stereotype, whether they be extremely skeptical and paranoid or complete psychopaths.
It was the fourth day of life at Estrasia. He was already intrigued by the competitive natures of the other students; that alone fueled him to work a little harder. He was interested to see what his peers had to offer, and what he'd potentially be up against.
First Person Sample: [Sitting on a bench near the fountain, Riku's pretty fixated on the book he's reading. And he's wearing ~*reading glasses*~. You may notice the bizarre facial expressions he's making. Upon closer inspection, well, he's reading nothing other than the famous vegetarian-vampire romance novel Twilight. Because really, why does Kairi think this shit is so cash. Maybe this is why she doesn't have a boyfriend.]
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Third Person Sample: It wasn't so bad.
Riku was always up for venturing out into the universe beyond the land he'd been locked up in since birth- not that he currently had any problems with staying in Cyril of course, but nonetheless he just needed to get out. This was where Estrasia came in. At first he was hesitant about living somewhere foreign, only because he had a more-than-longing feeling to stuff Sora and Kairi into his suitcase and sneak them into the academy with him. But of course this was only Riku wishing for the impossible; once he came to terms with the fact that the three of them were bound to wind up traveling down different roads one day, he felt a little better about leaving. At least he'd be able to expand his boundaries and possibly open a door to a new lifestyle with his powers.
He was only there for a few days, much like all of the other first year students in the classroom. It wasn't too boring, and saying it was okay would have been an understatement. Life was a little more interesting to say the least; he realized that a lot of his classmates weren't the same everyday Average Joe kids you'd meet anywhere. Some of them differed from the stereotype, whether they be extremely skeptical and paranoid or complete psychopaths.
It was the fourth day of life at Estrasia. He was already intrigued by the competitive natures of the other students; that alone fueled him to work a little harder. He was interested to see what his peers had to offer, and what he'd potentially be up against.
First Person Sample: [Sitting on a bench near the fountain, Riku's pretty fixated on the book he's reading. And he's wearing ~*reading glasses*~. You may notice the bizarre facial expressions he's making. Upon closer inspection, well, he's reading nothing other than the famous vegetarian-vampire romance novel Twilight. Because really, why does Kairi think this shit is so cash. Maybe this is why she doesn't have a boyfriend.]
Sparkling vampires? Seriously?
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